
Get your school engaged in the push for better mental health.

Sign your school up for an awesome mental health and fitness event  

The Push-Up Challenge is a unique and fun way for schools to encourage better mental health and wellbeing through connection, physical activity and education.

Prioritizing the mental and physical health of your students and teachers will be one of the best things your school does this year.  

"Less than a quarter of kids aged 5–14 undertake the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day."

The Challenge

In February, participants will be challenged to complete 2,000 push-ups over 23 days as we put a spotlight on the 20% of Canadians who experience mental illness each year. 

We know - that's a lot of push-ups. But don't sweat it, any exercise goes, from jumping jacks to cartwheels or squats. 

Why get on board?


It's free to sign up
It doesn't cost anything to join us in the push for better mental health.


Reduce the stigma 
Talking about mental health reduces the stigma and can encourage students to seek help when they need it.


Foster a positive team spirit
Create a supportive environment where students keep each other motivated.

Fundraise for mental health
Opt to raise money for the Canadian Mental Health Association.

Generate healthy competition
Why not hold a students vs. teachers contest? Or, get classes, factions and/or sibling schools to create a push-up competition.

Learn about mental health together
Get informed about mental health and how to support yourself and others.

How it works

People can sign up solo, as part of a team or a community. Most schools will have at least one team, or multiple teams which form a community.

This is a collection of teams. Perfect for your school.

Up to 10 students (or staff) joining together to form a team.

Solo participant
Anyone can sign up as a solo participant and they’ll have the support of the entire push-up crew behind them.

Can Elementary Schools join in?

Sure can. We've had school-aged children of all ages take part - all it takes is a little adapting of the push-ups and mental health content to ensure it's age appropriate. Register your school's interest and we can send you the info you'll need to bring your school community on board.