Need some support?

If you or someone you know is facing a mental health challenge, there is help available. If you have questions around mental health support, some of the FAQs and resources below may help. You can also make an appointment with your family doctor and/or reach out to your local CMHA branch.

I am feeling depressed. What should I do?

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Depression is a common but serious mental health issue. Everyone feels down, low or moody now and then, but depression is more than simply ‘feeling down’. There are a number of symptoms, which may present differently in different people (which is why a professional evaluation is recommended). Depression will impact a person’s daily functioning and relationships. 

If you think you may be experiencing depression, you're not alone. According to CMHA, major depression affects approximately 5.4% of the Canadian population.

It is also important to know that depression is treatable, and help is available. 

Educating yourself is an important first step.

If you feel like you may have depression, a great next step would be to make an appointment with your family doctor to discuss how you’re feeling. Your doctor can give you some personalised advice, and if necessary, can help you to make an appointment with a psychologist or psychiatrist, discuss medication options if appropriate, or advise on lifestyle changes that can support you in your recovery.

You can also contact Wellness Together Canada for free phone counselling and other online support.

If you’re in an emergency situation or need immediate assistance, call or text 9-8-8 - a 24/7, toll-free service available in both English and French.

How do I find a psychologist, and what can I expect?

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Psychologists are trained to assess, diagnose and treat mental health challenges and disorders.

When a psychologist is employed by a public institution like a hospital, school or correctional facility, their services are covered by the public health system.

When a psychologist practices in the community, their services are typically not covered by public health insurance plans, however, they are usually covered by an extended health insurance plan you may have through work.

You can make an appointment with a psychologist in the community on your own without a doctor’s referral. To find a psychologist in your area go to or reach out to your local CMHA branch.

What else can I do?

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There are many ways to get help for your mental health. Visit the Canadian Mental Health Association website for more information, or get in touch with your local CMHA branch.

I am feeling suicidal.

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If you are having thoughts of ending your life, this can feel frightening, confusing and isolating. It’s really important that you speak to someone about what’s going on in your life and how you feel. If you're struggling to hold on to hope, or feeling overwhelmed, please remember that help is always available.

Reaching out is the first step. To talk to someone now, call or text 9-8-8.

What mental health services are available?

If you or someone you love is in crisis, know that there is hope and there is help.

If you need to talk to someone immediately, call 9-8-8 or visit

Nationwide, CMHA offers a variety of programs, services, and supports designed to meet the needs of people in their local communities. This includes:


A free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry.

Recovery colleges

Safe spaces that bring together people with lived experience of mental health issues, as well as peers, family members and mental health professionals to co-produce and co-deliver courses that support well-being and recovery.

Local mental health programs

CMHA locations across Canada offer programs and services to help those in their communities take care of their mental health, promote wellness and recover from mental health issues. Find your local CMHA to learn what is available in your neighbourhood.

Looking for more support?

The Government of Canada offers free counselling, online courses, self-guided programs and peer support groups through their Wellness Together portal.