Get fit, have fun and push for better mental health.


raised for CMHA


push-ups completed

The Push-Up Challenge

From Feb 1 to 23, 2024, over 49 thousand Canadians challenged themselves to complete 2,000 push-ups for the 20% of Canadians who will experience a mental illness each year.

The Push-Up Challenge participants had a bit of fun and improved their strength and fitness, and raised funds to help Canadians get the mental health support they urgently need.

The 2024 event ended on a high, with more than 40 million push-ups banked and over two million dollars raised for critical mental health services in Canada.

Register your interest below to stay in the loop for future events.

Your push-ups help people like Caroline

Caroline lost her dad to suicide, and at a particularly dark point, she tried to take her own life. Today, she is channelling her experience with mental health challenges to support others through her important work as a crisis line responder. For many people, though, they need care after the call. 

“It’s more of a band-aid solution,” said Caroline.

“People need longer term support.”

That’s where CMHA comes in. CMHA delivers extensive community-based mental health programs and services, while pushing for nationwide system and social change.

Will you push for better long-term mental health outcomes for people like Caroline and her dad?

Fundraising Leaderboard

With 330 community locations, CMHA is a nationwide organization that promotes mental health and supports people recovering from mental illness.

  • Paramount just donated $50
  • Michael & Jane just donated $105.50
  • Mark just donated $263.75
  • Anonymous just donated $2,000
  • Harriet just donated $20
  • Anthony just donated $20
  • Dom just donated $300
  • Healinglight just donated $10
  • Anonymous just donated $70
  • Helena Meilleur just donated $25
  • Lee Johnson just donated $80
  • Colleen House just donated $65
  • Lorri Thacyk just donated $20
  • Anonymous just donated $50
  • Liz just donated $25
  • Rina B Valcourt just donated $40
  • Kim just donated $50
  • Greater Sudbury Police Service just donated $250
  • Janet just donated $65
  • Kelly Fleck just donated $100