About Our Challenge
In February, our Community is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a bunch of push-ups between February 11-28, 2025 to #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Canada.
You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our Community.
All proceeds go to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada.
Supporting CMHA National

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.
Présente dans plus de 330 collectivités réparties dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l’ACSM œuvre en défense des droits et offre des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes et les troubles de santé mentale ainsi qu’à soutenir le rétablissement et la résilience afin de permettre à toute la population de s’épanouir pleinement.
State Of The Push-Ups

Province | Participants |

Team Stats
Team name | Number of Legends | Push-Ups | Funds Raised | ||
By person | Overall | By person | Overall |
To join a Team within this Community, simply find the Team below, go to their page and click on JOIN US.
Thank you to our Sponsors

The Frankel/Hardy Family


Wanda Lewis
You got this!

Randy Danais

Susan Reisbord
Way to go, Ryan!

Dave Crawford


Joan Vinci
You all are amazing!!

Noel Guercio

Joshua Pendergrass
Thank you for caring about mental health. Mental illness touches many families, it is is a real and present weight on many of us.

Alexander Gorodetsky

Johan Louwerse


Ryan Roberts

Jennifer Bradley Reid

Joyce Gorospe Jensen
Great cause !

Darcy Aubin
Atta girl

Tyler Rizzuto
great job

Sarah Fulton

Dru Whitlock
One of my good friends committed suicide a few years ago. It was devastating. This is a great cause, Ryan. Thank you and good luck.

Great initiative! You got this!

Joe & Jan VanSchaick
Glad it’s you! Good Luck

Jim and Helen Van Dam
Hey love push-ups but not so much when I have to do them myself. Thanks for doing this for us and those that need the money, love you Aiden.

Albert Gosse

Laura Nuttall

Pat Poelzer

David Noel

Facebook Donation

Rene & Micheline Painchaud
You go girl!

Robin Roberts
Way to go Ryan.. we are so very proud of you!!

The Hoopers
Get swole bro!!!

Christina Zozula
Crush it!

Clifford and Christine
Great Job!!!

Facebook Donation

Asifa Samji
Great cause! Way to go Ryan!

Laith Alfaqih
Best of luck!

David Emery
Good luck Ryan, great cause !

Daniel Gilbert
Great cause Ryan. I will do the pushups with you.

Carlo Poletto



David Kitchen

Frances Poelzer


Judy Poelzer
It's great that you are participating in raising awareness and funds for this very important cause!

Andrew Cullen

Bruce Pearson

Stephanie N


Friso Stolk
Monster tryz

Goooo Erin!!

Lisa Ellingwood

Facebook Donation

Darryl Richards

Cody Fraser
Your power level is over 9000, Steven.

Rockin' Roj
Great cause Steve! Thanks for participating!

Donna Ziegler
Good for you!

I’ll do the 2k push-ups with you!

Lin Liang
Doing 100 push-ups a day has been one of my resolutions for a while :-)

Erica Lotz

Roxanne Price

Larry & Lisa

Travis White

Tama Snow

Siew Gin Mills
You can do it!!

leila elkhalidy

Kim Gilmore

M Bender

Dorothy Bender

Dean Scovill
Keep going for this great cause!

Rui De Carvalho

Ellen Hughes
Best of luck !

Vince Green

Yolanda Torres

Mary Murdoch

Lea Clarke

james stitt

Derek Beattie

Matthew McCrank

Simon Vangrootheest

Facebook Donation


Irene Gomes
Go Natalie Go!

Andy Burnham
You got this, Ryan! Great cause and really support you raising awareness through this effort.

Patricia Bolliger

Will Mattingly
This is a great cause that needs continual attention. Please of luck with some good activity during the winter months!

Joanna Preston

Simon Alder

Patricia Van Schaick
You’ve got this!

Paulette Martin


Ophelia Lynn MacDonald
Go Gil Go, Happy Birthday! Love Lia

Andrea Devine

Greg Poelzer

Opal and Dave Milbury



Rae Frankel


Paul Schuler

Cris Barbosa-Lucchetto

Diego Mandelbaum
Push ups only count if you flex after!

Robert Burchell
Go babe go!!!

Belinda Arklie

Alexia Van Dam

Carol Poon

Andy Olinski

Karen graham
Good Luck Erin!

James Power



Fred Struik

Bryan Burston

Jen Mills

Sherry Fortais

Peter Chapman

Facebook Donation

Facebook Donation

Daanish Akbar
Pump it Up!

Brenda Gosse

Gail Godin

Doris Painchaud
Way to go Sharron

Shannon Lambert

Michael Flores

Jocelyn Reeves

Pam Johnson
Go Brenda!

Adri Louwerse

Art Louwerse

Laila Adam

Facebook Donation

Facebook Donation

Facebook Donation


Go Rae Go!!!

Christine Brown



Neil and Richard MacDonald
Go for it Gil!!!!

Heather Bishop

Mike Kocher

Stephanie Lang


Roselyn Chou

Chioma Ozowalu

Javier Mendoza

Michael Fletcher
Go Harold! This is a great cause!

Mark Sigouin

Courtney Avram

Facebook Donation


Julia Chernetz

Sacha Mathew

Kim and Tracey Burston
Way to Go!

Teresa Laturnus

Tyler Folk

Zoe Rezac

Sarah Benson

Stéphanie Lalut
Go Rachel!!


Vanessa Hahn
In memory of Aben. This is such a worthy cause.

Conor Gillam

Bonnie Gillam

Eno Muho

Peter Tomanek






James Abend

Veronica Sicorsky

Sharron Painchaud

Jel Reyes

Maryspear Iwuezi

Madison Murphy

Serge Lucchetto

Rachel Thorne

Jonathan Ting-Mak

Kenneth Wayne Davis

Chelsea Letwin

Cindy Newman

Harold Louwerse

Devin Smith

Ryan Webb

Jody Bielun

Gemma Prat

Christine Orton

Keith Irwin


Emilio Aguiar

Luis Aguiar


Nikala Reashor

Sabeh Nicolas Samaha

Ceri Taylor

Jenna P


Paul Anderson

Stephanie Gregory
Wonderful cause!

Debbie Engel
Great cause Pat. Will see you and your pecs on the 14th!!

Joan Patterson
Have a wonderful birthday. Love Gram xoxoxo

Dina Khorshid

Sharron Painchaud

Blaise Wozniak
Push it to the limit.

Dani Sauve

Stantec Thunder Bay Team: Push it...push it real good!

Dolores Charles


Marina Lefler

Steven Coates

Dayton Klovansky
Push it up for a great cause!


Nhammer Inc.

Michelle McD

A. Ian MacDonald


Robert MacDonald
Pump up those pecs!

Work it victor

Susan Duxbury
In memory of Theresa’s father

Ray Morgan


Jill and Greg Skabar
Way to go Kip!

Stephen Clothier
Alain just do it.



Colin Buchanan
You got this

Colin Buchanan
Way to go

Colin Buchanan
Good for you

Colin Buchanan
Way to go

Colin Buchanan
You got this

Andrei Del Mundo

Yufeng Gao

Sean McKnight

Facebook Donation

George Tsougrianis
You'll crush it Steven!!!!

Kelsey Knull
Doing two thousand and 1 in solidarity

Mason Moberg

Donna McLean

Justin McKeown


Camille Vezina

Leah Hillaby
Let's go girly <3

Sarah Cribby
Go Gil!!!!

Krishon Walker
Keep it up!

Jannica Sibayan
Work those arms!!

Nick Vaillant


- from the Green Mountain State

Ahammed Latif

Sucilyn Abac

Ashley Reeder

Leslie Skeith and Adam McLean
Keep it up! Happy Birthday!

My family does this, so another person does not have to feel like they don't have the resources to ask for help. Always thinking of you dad, William Hardy February 17, 1945 - February 17, 2013