Team CMHA Ottawa





About Our Challenge


In February, our team is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a whole lot of push-ups between February 1-23, 2024 to raise awareness of mental illness in Canada.

You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our team.

All proceeds go to the Ottawa branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA Ottawa -- our workplace) to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada. 

Specifically, donations will go towards CMHA Ottawa's Recovery College.

Recovery Colleges are a new way to present mental health and wellness information, honouring both lived and learned expertise. Based on the idea that those who use services are in the best position to help design them, courses and the college itself are collaborative work between service users and those who provide services. Recovery Colleges are more than a learning centre, they help develop community for students, and in partnering with other services, connect organizations.

At CMHA Ottawa, we launched our own Recovery College program in January 2021 after successfully applying for funding from CMHA National, who have lead development opportunities across Canada for local CMHA branches to create their own, unique colleges.

CMHA Ottawa does not get ongoing funding for Recovery College. We’re appealing to donors like you to help us continue to offer our clients these collaborative, empowering classes that help put them on a path to wellness – equipping students with the necessary tools we all need to thrive.


Supporting CMHA Ontario - Ottawa

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.Présente dans plus de 330 communautés dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l'ACSM offre des services de défense, des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes de santé mentale et les maladies mentales, à favoriser le rétablissement et la résilience, et à permettre à tous les Canadiens de s'épanouir et de prospérer.

This team is currently ranked > 10 out of all teams that are fundraising

Rank Name Amount
7 KPMG Impact Pushers $11127.00
8 CMHA Toronto Family & Friends - Team Push for Potential $10925.00
9 Bank of Canada $10896.57
10 Team CMHA Ottawa $10530.18
11 CSV $9710.01
12 Team Harmani $8839.00
13 Team Thompson $8723.00

Team Push-Up Total

Meet the team
(44 members)
Team Captain: Patrick Jodoin

Thanks to Our Sponsors


Ron Ball

Proud of you! Showing relentless D! Keep up to reach your goal!



Through our charitable contributions program, NAV CANADA Cares, we are pleased to match Jean's workplace fundraising efforts.


Dennis & Melinda

Work those biceps


Brian Callery





You got this!!


Kitty Baker


Doug Mutschler




Soler Family


Sue Bramley



10 cents a push-up! You're almost there!


moira Gilchrist-Tait

Keep up the good work Em…:)


Audrey MacIntosh

Go save some lives ;)


Pat Sowinski

Good Luck


Serge Lemieux


Pam O'Connor


Paul Sedge


Shannon Condon

SO proud to work here!!


Chris Condon


Waxwing Tattoo Company



Jennifer Smith

We are cheering you on!


lynda shaw

Congratulations, Kathleen!


Chris Mulcahey


Sonia Borin

Go Marie! I can’t do push ups but I can support you and this great cause!


Laurie Bruce





Hi Jacalyn, this is amazing! What a great challenge. Stay strong. C




Michael Mutschler



92: the total amount of push-ups I'd do over 23 days before stroking out.


Nicole Sonier-Hoe

Kudos to the CMHA Ottawa Team! You pushed it up and pushed through! Congrats. Nicole SH


Mike Gnar

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life, that no person can sincerely try to help another without also helping oneself." Thanks for leading by example and putting yourself out there dude, humanity is a team sport. Mike @ TooAliveStudios


Lidia Giernatowicz


Julia & Kevin Page


Kathleen Cowan

Best of luck Shannon


Lauren Rasalingam

Good luck in meeting your goal - such a worthy cause!


Steve Vena


Nathalie Cadieux

Good luck to everyone participating in this challenge




Greg Vick


Theresa Bailey

Great job!


Lesa Brown


Alex Wolfe




Debra Yearwood

Good luck Mary, I'm sure you'll get to your goal.


Kevin and Deanna

Hooray for push-up-ing!


Patrick Jodoin


joanne Haddad


Karilyn Warr

Good luck!


Emily Gilchrist




Linda de la Bastide




Sheila Snow

Bravo !!


Madeleine Baker


Jean Beauregard


Dan Dicaire

Drop and give me 100!


Joey Arseneau

Crush it!


Chloe Piche


Melanie Tessarolo


Kelly Rasmussen

Inspiring! Thanks for setting the bar high and showing what it means to be a leader in this crazy world called life. ❤️ Rock it Jodoin!


Andy Pothier

Save some for Bill!


Tami Rouleau


Toby Lamb


Matthew Baker

Go Matt Go!


Nick Walters


Jody McRory

Proud of you!


Katherine Layng


Carole Kealey




Benjamin Hunting

Go Jen!


Tina and Jordan

Good luck from Tina and Jordan!


Alex and Megan Braginetz

Great work Christina!


Kim Stolpmann


Jean Miner


Christina Mutschler


Dyl and Duck


Janet Dyment

Way to go Jac! Keep up the amazing work and commitment!


Michele Lemay


Lucie Stein

Hope you reach your goal!


Aaron James


Megan Mabey



Vas-y Nancy! Push it good!!!


Narcisse Ngendakuriyo




Mike Arts


Arthur Daniel

Bonne chance Jean! You got this. Looking forward to seeing those gleaming biceps after this.


Alina Henderson



You’re amazing! Good luck Kathleen!


Duck Black-Mutschler


Cathy Merriman


Anton Tikovt


Linda Goodeve




Jessica Adley


Jessica Adley


Jessica Merrill


Pierre Bisson




Graham Collie


Jenn Kyte

A cause dear to my heart, thanks for taking this on!!




Danielle Hebert


Victoria Gilchrist


Michael Powis

Way to go Shannon!! I miss our talks!


Carolyn Ross


Sylvie Thibault


Liam Hunt

This one’s for Bender



Nice work dude!


Patrick S Jodoin




Ahmad Koroma




Marie-France Walter

Way to go


Sam Rice



James Beauregard

Allez PAPA!!! bonne chance!😊❤


James Beauregard

GO mommy good luck😊💕



Love this!! Go Patrick 👏


James Jean-Pierre


Chantal Dubois




Steve S


Dorene Inglis

More power to you, Pat-thanks for taking this on.xo


Caroline Feggans


Jean-Francois Lecours


Danny Lang


Gio Herrera

Thank you & God bless!



Thank you for standing/pushing up to bring attention and assistance to mental health and substance abuse



Let's go Nancy!!


Jessamy Tedlie


Carrie Amell

Way to go Jean!



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