About Our Challenge
In February, Parks Canada is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a heap of push-ups between February 11-28, 2025 to push for better mental health outcomes in Canada.
You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our Community.
All proceeds go to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada.
En février, Parcs Canada participe au défi des pompes. Nous nous lançons le défi de faire un tas de pompes entre le 11 et le 28 février 2025 afin d'améliorer les résultats en matière de santé mentale au Canada.
Vous pouvez nous aider à promouvoir une meilleure santé mentale au Canada en vous joignant à nous ou en faisant un don à notre communauté.
Tous les profits sont versés à l'Association canadienne pour la santé mentale afin de soutenir le rétablissement de la maladie mentale et de favoriser des résultats positifs en matière de santé mentale au Canada.
Supporting CMHA National

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.
Présente dans plus de 330 collectivités réparties dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l’ACSM œuvre en défense des droits et offre des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes et les troubles de santé mentale ainsi qu’à soutenir le rétablissement et la résilience afin de permettre à toute la population de s’épanouir pleinement.
State Of The Push-Ups

Province | Participants |

Team Stats
Team name | Number of Legends | Push-Ups | Funds Raised | ||
By person | Overall | By person | Overall |
To join a Team within this Community, simply find the Team below, go to their page and click on JOIN US.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Lonny McPherson

Richard Nelson & Mona Albano

andrew francis

Darlene Upton

Moira McKinnon

Ernie Gladstone



Wendy Brooks

Superior Boreal Waterfowl
Nature for Mental Health

Eri Hiraga

Andrew Campbell

Jennifer McCarter

Bob MIlko

Helen Wilkinson
Wooohooo! Go Liz! 💪

Auntie Nicole



Alana Duffy
Hi honey. Great job supporting this important cause!

Alana Duffy


Don Macdonald
Nice job, good luck!


Nate Jones

Hughe Wilkinson

Jonathan Arnold
Keep pumping those push-ups, Martha!!

Christine Aikens

Carolyn Blasetti

Terrie Dionne

Jo Hare

Tomlinson Family
Amazing initiative, good luck Graham!

Alice Tie
Thank you for supporting mental health awareness Liz, and our dear Michele <3

Mary Ann Dunham
A worthy cause supported by my favourite family champion!!!

Kelly Farrell
Go Nancy Go!

Tanya and Ryan Dowdall

Donna B.

Lynda Lindsay

Facebook Donation

Rick Etsell
You go my girl

Dennis Klassen

Stan Humphries

Peter, Ashley, and Sophie
Way to go! You're gonna do great!

Stéphane Loubert
Plusieurs push-ups pour une bonne cause! Bravo Angelle 😊

Jonathan Arnold

Chris Watson

David & Elaine Cumming

Bravo young man

Nathalie Lapierre


Ikuko Webster

Ikuko Webster

Bryan and Joni Jeffery
Go Nancy!

Larry McIntosh
Good luck Emily!

Mark and Tracy Airhart
You can do it!


Dave Leuty

Daniela Vogel

Jennifer Lybbert
GO MIKE!! Love that you are doing this and raising awareness.


Evan H

Wendi Taylor

Denis St-Onge

Richard Dupuis

Brady Yu

Adam Collingwood

Jason Harvey

karen petkau

Dean MacDonald

Chad O'Halloran

nicole kroeker

Caitlin MacDonald



Keltsie Gaudet

Shelby B

Lindsay Warkentin

Your #1 fan

Tyler Ripku

Carol McFee

Rod Leuty

Rebecca Rogge

Sheila Newland
Good luck and well done!


Sharon Stevens

Adele Shea
Way to go Lexi. Good luck.

Adele Shea
Love this Lori, you and Lexi will make a great team.

Will and Anne Webster
Very inspiring goal. Good for you!

Sara Tiffany

Janelle MacLeod

Claire Horwich

Phyllis Duffy

Phyllis Duffy

Brenda &Finley
Good Luck Janelle and thank you for the effort you are putting into this cause.


Jonah Mitchell
Christina made me do this........ :)

Karen Bradley

Chuck Ingleton

Heather Gibb
Go for it Haley!

Vanessa Rodrigues

Haley Milko

Cam Zimmer

Albert Rand

meaghan ruston

Greg Wilson

Alyssa Etsell

Facebook Donation

Facebook Donation

Sarah MacInnes

Kathy Vincer

Paige Sheppard

Marc Johnson

Facebook Donation

Facebook Donation


Diane Casimir

Matthew Gossack-Keenan


Christina Sharun

Sarah and Kyle
Go Shelbs go!! You've got this!!

Joshua Kummerfield

Mark Ramsden

Jeannie Grundy
Go Yumi Go!!

Ryan McLenehan


You got this!

Véronique Artelle



Julia Montgomery


Mark Leblanc

Yumi Webster

Desta Frey
You're going to smash it!

Kelly & Denis Routhier

Happy to contribute towards a great cause

jill chausse

Jocelyn Hirose


Jocelyne Cadieux
For a good course. Come on Chantel you can do it.

Graham Thomas
Push it!

Meghan Pollock


Cynthia Misener

Theresa Munn

Colin Brander

Colin Brander

Jeremy Roop

Kirsten Sage

Michel Charron

Alannah Phillips

Carole Saucier

Maud-Fred Côté-Leblanc

Jocelyn Gill

Jennifer Barratt Parker

Jake Hunt

Andrew Laforet

Lisa Leuty

Tammy Dobbie

Lou Gruslin

Blythe Beynon

Jiem Carlo Narag

Shauna Schmidt

Angelle Rodrigue

Erin Munk

Claire McNeil

Sasha Kvakic

Tim Wilson

David Millar

Kaley Munk

Dominique Gagnon


Jay Zakaluzny

Marlow Pellatt


Philippe Gougeon

Lucas Habib

Bob Routledge

Good luck Shelby!

Rennee Lamontagne
Way to go Haley!

Emmanuelle LeBlanc

Gilles Lussier



Jaclyn Torrie

Leah Honka
You're the best. You've got this!

Heather Burke
Thank you for helping

Sinead Deery
All the best to you and your legs!!

Asiah Klassen

Rebecca Seifert

Cathy Morgan

Craig Sharun

Dana and Chris Hanson
Good Luck Ryan! Great cause!


Amy Roach

Facebook Donation

Mr. Bundy

Claire Horwich

Carolyn Stewart
Go Girl Go

Dennis & Sandy Zvanovec

Jonas Filion
Thanks for all you do to support my mental health on a daily basis, Taylor!

Emily S
You got this, Haley!!

andrea mitchell

Leslie MacPherson

Ethan Meleg

Edouard Cavé

Facebook Donation

Facebook Donation





Marianne Katona
Go go super chuck!!


Carly Robillard

Yumi Webster

Brett Roche
Keep it up, Lexi!

Chris Aiken

Hélène Périard

Steph Calvert

Alice Tie

Olive Bailey

Shawna Cooper

Julianne Cox

Audrey Levesque

Sophie Brigis
get those push ups em!!

Michelle Elliott

Gabhan Chalmers

Moïse Nick




Chris Robinson

Patrick McDermott





Jia Yi F.

Gen Auger
Lâches pas Maud-Fred!!!!

Jules Vaylong
You the real mvp mon ami
I am moved by how my late daughter touched so many colleagues to participate and honor her by doing this Push-Up Challenge to raise awareness for mental health