About Our Challenge
In February, the Ottawa Rural Firefighters will be taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a heap of push-ups between February 11-28, 2025 to #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Canada.
You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our Community.
All proceeds go to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada.
Supporting CMHA National

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.
Présente dans plus de 330 collectivités réparties dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l’ACSM œuvre en défense des droits et offre des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes et les troubles de santé mentale ainsi qu’à soutenir le rétablissement et la résilience afin de permettre à toute la population de s’épanouir pleinement.
State Of The Push-Ups

Province | Participants |

Team Stats
Team name | Number of Legends | Push-Ups | Funds Raised | ||
By person | Overall | By person | Overall |
To join a Team within this Community, simply find the Team below, go to their page and click on JOIN US.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Tim Snelling

Brady Dambrowitz

Alexander Lawson
Show ‘em what’s up.

Carolyn Crisp

Michelle Kerr

Joseph Watters
Hey, you and I know that 2,000 pushups is for children and little babies. I did 2,000 pushups while writing this sentence! You can do better than this

Barbara Thurston
You got this, Ryan! Thank you for helping others.

Paterson Group Inc

Shaun Foley

Michael Blanchet
Here's to another 200!

Richmond Volunteer Firefighters’ Association
82 Rocks!

Peter Strickland

Julie Baron

Kateri Vroomen

Daren Mosley

Ellie Holmes
Go Team 62!

Kathy McDougall
Great cause!

Jesse Charlebois

cody kennedy

Kateri Vroomen

Wendy Shwed
I know you will do it Heather!

Dale Hopper

Carolyne Kennedy

David McCalden

I challenge you to do 1000 push-ups and I’ll add 50$ more

Iain Algie
Thank you for bringing awareness to mental health!

Brenda McMurtry
Well done Code

E Reid

Water Doctor

Phil Aldis

Greg and Shawna Emmott

Wesley Fitzgerald

Scott Bullen

Deanna and Rick
You got this Diana! Such an important cause. xo

Anita Heavenor

Todd Bernard

Norm Crisp
Good Luck Ryan, it's a great cause

Rob Gilmour

Ryan Swire
On the last two days 1000 pushups within 24hrs Recorded and counted is completed by you A bonus of $300 dollhairs will be added.

Sherry & Jared

Michelle Van Tol

Jill Dods

Donald Kerr

Arlene Hughes

You better bring it, Sheppard!

Brian Melvin

Susan Wynter

Arron Swire
Let’s go Swire!!!!!

K Carmen Drummond
Great organizational to support Christina!

Conar Marcoux
Chest to floor bud!

Cathy Dick

Aaron Gray
Good luck!

Neil Smith

Liam Remillard

Alex Comeau
Legend. Great cause

Deb Romain

Shana Webb

BK's Family

Kevin Conway
Good luck gents

Dylan Myllymaki

Jenn Sheppard
Good luck!!

Penny Kennedy

Roger Ehrhardt

Go Di go!!

Tamara Hisko
Go Di. Happy to support this worthy challenge in support of mental health.

Anita Williamson

Susan Davies
Thanks Diana, great cause, I know you can do this, you love a physical challenge

Joanne Mariani
Good luck Jaimee!

Tony Mariani



Nick, Kayla, Frankie, & Eddie
Good job Sis!

Nick Chupick

Josee Lavoie
Thanks for raising funds for mental health initiatives! You got this!

Half Pint

Adam Thompson

Barry Relf
A good cause, good luck!

Ahmad Saad

Steve Van Dyk
Good luck with those pushups!!

Allan Zander
Good luck Larry!

Bruce Romain

Duncan Dunsmore, Spouse of the Year

Savannah Swire

Christianne Thibeault

Dean Johnson
Push for better!

Crista Sheppard

Cliff Moore

Pete/Monica Hardonk

Dawna Young
Good Luck!

Shaun & Sam

Jeff Mcnally
Hi Jake

Alison Hopper
Good luck Steve and your Team.You got this!


Helen Huang

Shaun & Sam


Deborah Kinsman

Kim DesRosiers

Kimberley Levere

Cheryl Reid
Good Luck Dylan! Love from the Reid’s.

Pam Wheeler

Erik Karlsson
Good job buddy - EK65

Michael N

Luc Belanget

AL Gauthier
Go Ryan!

Lina and Bob Bangs

Brody DesRosiers

Lee Davy

Cassie and Mike Walker

Justin Graham

Nick Guerrini

Amanda Reath

Allyshia & Zev

Wendy Kennedy

Peter O'Blenis
Great initiative Lars!

Love you uncle Jake!

Erica Hills

The DesRosiers


Vicky and Bob Farquharson
Good job Brandon

Amy Farquharson and Jeff Barber
B wave 💪🏻!!

Courtney Farquharson & Brandon Judge

Tess Hayward

Ewan and Henry Gilchrist
Go Ryan!

Mark Priatel

Lynn and John Leclerc
Good luck Cole

Tyler Stack

Will & Kara O’Reilly

Edythe Elmore

Chris Wright

Kim Henning

Christina van Leeuwen

Loblaws Miniature Mart

Alec MacKinnon

Kevin Ho

Brad Levere

Tracy Picken
"You can do it"

Marilen Turner
Ways go Heather….Do those pushups

Andrew Cates

Ron Levangie

Ben Spero

Jonathan Brazeau
Station 82 - Richmond - LET’S GO!

Andrew ocleireachain

Victor Eng


Josh Gorka

rick milligan

Terry Cowan

richard gillett

Amber Green

John & Sarah

Evan Brownrigg

Shari Jones

Mark Gardner

Thank you for your service, Lars and Station 45 crew! 🧑🏻🚒🚒

Risa Bartlett

Greg Chupick

Brock Zielinski
Good luck

Danny Chin
good luck:)

Veronika Eroukova

Sonya Boersma & Larry McNaughton
From Larry & Sonya


Miles Kidman
Go dada go! - Miles

Michael Rhodes
Do Chez Frank proud!

Alexandra Shane
Let's goooo Rob!

Cory Hogan

Jamie Champagne
Go get em!

Jodie Hache

Karim Alami

Nick Mosley

Kasey Curry

Steve Hopper

Lars Horner

Genevieve Castonguay
Stay strong 💪🏼😉

Brock Thomson

Diana Ozarko

Allan Brown

Susan Holtom

Vickie Randall


Matt Roberts

Catherine Stevenson
I love your Parents

Joanne Michon
This is a wonderful idea. Even if I live now in Alberta I support mental illness anywhere as it’s an important topic then needs to be addressed everywhere.

Billet Mom Scollon
Go get em' Bangs!


Khaled Al Mohammad
Hi Lars, I might be a little late, but I've been reading your updates on Slack recently and it has really inspired me to join you in this great cause. I am a big advocate for mental health awareness, it's an issue I grew up around and has affected me deeply. Thank you for doing this, and good luck on this journey.

Melissa Wood

Brenda Chupick
Go Dylan! xo

Tia Farquharson

M & C Smith

M & C Smith

M & C Smith


Jodie Kiss

Susan German

Emily Kivimaki
Better get some Epsom salt!! Haha. Best of luck! This is a great cause to donate to.

Ryan C





Justin Poon
Who’s going to carry the boats?

Debra Wynter
Diana, thanks for doing this for such a worthy cause. Have fun! ;-)

Corina Clouthier

David Barkley

David Barkley

Keep pushing Lars

Jim McMahon

Paige Davy

Good luck

Michelle Randall

Chris and Katie

Myra Perron
Good Luck Dylan! Great cause xo

Monica Wasag
Go Dylan Go!

Luc Denault
Go Ryan and team

Karen Stewart

Moh Mistry
Great Cause! Best of Luck!


The Conley’s

Jordan Boutilier


Lindsay Mallett

Alec Larrett

Jaki Melmoth


Kimberly Smart
Good luck and thank you

Kelly Kiss

Chest bras!

Ryan Kidman

Ryan Pilon

brandon farquharson

Patrick Valois

Stacy Swire
Way to go Swire!

Anne Marie Reath
A great cause

Go Thumper!


Carolyn Bradley

Lucas Skerkowski

Jackson Long
Go birds

Barbs .

Jaden Lemay

Natasha Smith

Libby Ingrassia
Go Larry!

David McKernan

Candice Armstrong
You've got this!!

Connor Davy

Teams supporting
Champs Supporting 103
To be part of this Community, you need to be in a Team. Join an existing Team or create your own.
Well done!