CMHA National / ACSM National





About Our Challenge/ À propos de notre Défi

In February, our Team is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are challenging ourselves to complete a heap of push-ups between February 11-28, 2025 to push for better mental health outcomes in Canada.

You can help us push for better mental health in Canada by joining us or donating to our team.

All proceeds go to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support mental illness recovery and foster positive mental health outcomes in Canada.

Supporting CMHA National

Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.

Présente dans plus de 330 collectivités réparties dans toutes les provinces et un territoire, l’ACSM œuvre en défense des droits et offre des programmes et des ressources qui contribuent à prévenir les problèmes et les troubles de santé mentale ainsi qu’à soutenir le rétablissement et la résilience afin de permettre à toute la population de s’épanouir pleinement.

This team is currently ranked > 5 out of all teams that are fundraising

Rank Name Amount
2 Shamster5 $12107.98
3 Team Ontario 💪 $11594.80
4 BGC Impact $10453.38
5 CMHA National / ACSM National $9545.29
6 Rhythm Engineering Inc. $9469.96
7 Salt-N-Peppas: We P-Push it Real Good 2.0 $9410.81
8 Bird Construction $7891.83

Team Push-Up Total

Meet the team
(28 members)
Team Captain: Kelly Puddister

Thanks to Our Sponsors




Robert Irwin

Wonderful cause!


Erin Terwissen


Ryan Poulter

Gonna be jacked by the end!


Sarah Kennell


Alan and Jane Ann Sears


Louise Sproule


Jaime Boutilier

A cause I can get behind 💯 Cheering you on with fists raised high!


James LeNoury LeNoury Law




Uncle George

Good luck with your allotted number of push-ups. You should be in good physical shape once you finish this fundraiser. Good luck!




Amelia Sproule


Erin Sharp


Robin Cory

You always inspire me!


Elizabeth Kennell




Carol Rodger


Deb Wise Harris


Sarah Jennings


Deb Mousseau


Hannah Kennell


Sarah Williams



I always thought you were a "pusher" and never a "push over!" You are a better person than I can ever be (and I don't mean just physically!). Bravo


Chris Freypons

Good luck for a good cause Margaret. Looks like your muscling it out right to the end! Then you can relax. Chris and Susan Freypons




Jess Bouchard




Robert Bouchard

Great cause! Happy to support you Jess. Good luck and keep up the great work! Love, Mom and Dad


Rania Younes


Lillian Manea


Debra Beattie



Josée Tardif


Allison and Harley Graef

You go girl!


Kali Prostebby


Sharbani Roy




Matthew Seaborn

You got this, champ!


Aaron Cheng


Steve Lurie


Judi Kinghorn


Cary Takagaki




Cynthia Misener


Julia Warren


Sharon Pitawanakwat


Harrington Family


Sylvie Chartier

Nous sommes fiers de t’encourager pour cette belle cause!


Dehbia Hammoutene


Johanne Vezeau



Michelle L. Christian

Cheering you on as you continue to work to improve mental health care.


Suzanne Des Alliers


Francine Harris


Ivana Dillon


Theresa Yim


Margaret Eaton


Danielle Molcar

Great cause! Good luck!!


Bette Watson-Borg

Thank you Margaret for your leadership in so many ways! Way to work a strong core>


Chelsea Fieldsend



Ensemble pour soutenir la santé mentale 🫰


Stacey Clark


Deb Wise Harris

You go!


Jonathan Savard


Morten Risager


Reg Harden


Toby Shepherd

Way to get pumped up for a great cause!


Rupa Banerjee


Marina G


Geneviève Tardif




Whitney Graham

Thank you! Sending my donation in loving memory of my Dad! ❤️


Facebook Donation


Inori Roy




Good luck! Use good technique :)


Wendy Hepburn

Way to go Margaret!!


Louise Tardif

Courage et Go Go Go


Hilary Lanyon


Laura Hallman

Go Jess & Team!


Rachel Torrie

Go Sarah, go!


Miranda Bouchard

Very proud of your big heart, caring vision, and upper body strength!


Facebook Donation


J. Schaerer



Marilyn Irwin


Jeffrey Holtby


Alex Lomax


Alfreda Zaher

All the best, from Samir & Alfreda


Tomoko King

Way to go, Laura! I can't even do one push-up! All the best!


Matt Kantor





MaryBeth Templeton



James Thibeault


Eddie Joe Joe says Go Go


Lynda Poyser

Good for you, Meelie.


Chris MacDonald




Clare Jackson


Une MAF Rosemont 💚

Merci Geneviève de porter cette cause !


Deb Wise Harris

That’s some excellent form, Laura!


Deb Wise Harris


Juliette De Maeyer

Bravo Geneviève!


Marie-Lou Tardif

Goooo t'es hot !


Benjamin Roza




Gaētanne St-Hilaire

Bravo Geneviève!!!Merci pour ton implication!


Aunt Chris


Ani Colekessian


Adele Robert

Good luck!


Guylaine Tardif

Bonne chance pour ton défit Geneviève xoxo


Veronique Genest


Luba Magnus


Tara Bennett


Ann Marie Thibeault




Nathalie Ainsley

Go Geneviève Go!


Conor Duncan



I'm with you guys all the way!!



Happy to support you, Margaret! Best wishes!


Barb Storey

I couldn’t do one LOL


Laura Mousseau

Go me! You can do eeeet!


Aunt Marg


Derek Crespy


Joy Bacon


Tim Mitchell


JoAnne Toth


Sarah Bouchard


Sophie Martin Gagnon




Jonathan Gault




Facebook Donation

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